The 1uF timing caps
should be adjusted to give the right
discharge duration. The series 1N4148 diodes
may not be required. For those not
familiar with the photopopper and Miller SE operation, it
works as follows:
The main caps
charges up until the voltage reaches the
trigger of the 1381 which is equal to the rated trigger
level plus the photodiode
photovoltaic voltage (~.5V) plus the
1N4148 forward voltage (~100mV@5...) plus the voltage
drop (@5uA) across each leg of the 100K pot. The pot can
therefore be used to match the 1381 trigger levels. The
photovoltaic voltage is proportional to
the light level. The SE whose PD
has the lower light level will have a
lower combined trigger level and will fire
Once the SE is triggered two things
1.The ground pin current
drops to about 1uA lowering the SE reset voltage
(increased hysteresis).
2.The ground pin voltage becomes
negative with respect to 0V as the main storage cap
The voltage across the 1381 is now
equal to the timing cap and is independent of the main
capacitor voltage. While triggered, the 1381 supply
current is just 1uA and the reset time (when the 1381
turns off) is determined by the size of the timing
capacitor. With 1uF the reset time is about one second.
When the 1381 turns off, the 1381 ground pin current
jumps to 5uA and starts to discharge the timing capacitor
more quickly until voltage rise on the main capacitor
voltage catches up and the cycle repeats.