At first glance, just another bicore
variation, but with a higher component count. It seems to
reverse the BEAM
drive toward simplicity (i.e., more parts, no apparent
increase in functionality). But wait ...
What I've done is use an LM324 op-amp to build a
(two bicores
will fit on one chip). Why use an op-amp? Because you can
vary the trigger threshold to change the bicore
timing. It turns out that this can have some advantages
over the usual practice of varying the R-C time


The first image shows the pinout diagram for the basic
The second image is the schematic for the same circuit,
and I'll use that for a brief explanation of how the
works. You should recognize a basic bicore
configuration -- two IC
devices acting like inverters,
each one with a resistor
and capacitor
connected to the input (R1 & C1, R2 & C2). What's
different is the extra input to each "inverter"
-- this sets the trigger threshold. In the upper
"neuron", input VT is a variable threshold
that controls the bicore
frequency. In the lower "neuron", I've set the threshold
to a constant -- 1/2 Vcc
-- using resistors
R3 & R4. The smaller values for R2 and C2 make a
short, constant-width pulse. You can replace R3 & R4
with a trimpot (or other circuit)
to give the lower neuron a variable delay as well. The
values I chose are just about right for driving an
so you can play with the circuit
on a breadboard. Raising the value of VT means
it will take less time for the upper neuron to reach its
threshold, so the bicore
will speed up. Lowering the value of VT makes
the neuron take longer to time out, so the bicore
slows down. You can test this effect by connecting a
trimpot between Vcc and GND, with the center lead
connected to VT.
If your goal is to set the frequency of a bicore
using a trimpot, there isn't much point in using this
-- just make R1 and/or R2 variable instead, and use
instead of op-amps. But if you want to vary the bicore
frequency using a circuit,
my design has some advantages.
The above image shows just one way to use this
Here I've taken the basic op-amp bicore
and connected an R-C pair (R6, C3) to the VT
input. Pushing the pushbutton will drive the inverter
output low; when the pushbutton is released, the
output will go high, charging capacitor
C3. This will cause the bicore
to pulse very quickly. As the charge on C3 drains off
through R6, the bicore
will slow down.
I've shown an inverter
connected to the output, driving an LED.
Technically you can drive a low-power LED
directly from the op-amp output, but keep in mind that
the maximum output voltage
from the LM324 is 1.5 volts below Vcc.
I added the inverter
to the output to keep the LED
nice and bright. The effect of this circuit
is to cause the LED
to flash very quickly when the pushbutton is pushed and
released, and then to gradually slow down.
If you attach the same circuit
to a motor driver of some kind, the result will be a PWM
speed control that causes the motor to spin quickly at
first, and then slow down gradually to a crawl. Sounds a
bit like Wilf's recent design, doesn't it?
Other applications come to mind. Use this circuit
as the slave
in a master-slave
Make both thresholds variable and you can change the
timing relationship between the master
and the slave.
Or create a chain of regular Nv
neurons and connect each output to one of these
using C3 and R6. As an impulse travels through the
chain, each bicore
will be triggered in turn, causing some interesting
visual effects. Try it with a 3-neuron
chain, or a tricore,
and hook each bicore
output to a 3-colour LED
to get interesting multi-colour visual patterns (Jenny?
This is a nice little circuit
to play around with on the breadboard to see just what
you can do with it.
Amazing Bruce!
The opamp grounded bicore.
As a design concept, a simple yet completely overlooked
Some years ago I designed the "perfect" suspended
using opamps. As the theory indicated, the more perfect
the suspended bicore,
the less likely it would oscillate and after proving,
that I ended my investigation (I mean what's the point of
designing oscillator that doesn't oscillate 8).
I have lately posted some analog comparator based
including the Rainbow LED,
and motor controller circuits
both of which use PWM. The LM339 is an attractive
alternative to the LM324 for these pulse circuits
although it requires a pullup resistor
for each output. Come to think of it, I did post a rather
similar grounded bicore
for joystick reversing speed control some time ago but it
was buried deep inside that circuit
and not presented as a general purpose BEAM
Grounded bicores
don't have such problems with perfection and have two
separate "Nv
neurons" with independent time constants that can be
electronically controlled.
With the exception perhaps of the suspended bicore,
designing opamp versions of other BEAM
that previously used 74HC14s or 7HC240 inverters
heads) opens the door for more predictable and repeatable
operation, finally allowing for time constants to be
based on calculated component values. In addition, the
controlled thresholds add a new dimension to sensor
With many BEAM
engines operating at 2.5V, it should be noted that
the LM324 requires a minimum 3V supply but the LM339 can
operate down to 2V. Both require about 1mA of supply
Maximum operating voltage
for both is >30V allowing for automotive BEAM
applications that run directly from the car battery.
These devices also meet another important BEAM
requirement of ready availability and low cost. For
special micropower applications, there are plug in
versions of these chips that operate below 1V and draw
just a few uA of supply current.
I also have some comments on Bruce's description of
Bruce said,
"Other applications come to mind. Use this
as the slave
in a master-slave
Make both thresholds variable and you can change the
timing relationship between the master
and the slave".
The nature of the slave
is that, unlike a grounded bicore,
the two Nv
neurons are not independent from each other. Both
always fire at the same time depending on which has the
shorter time constant. That was demonstrated by Mark
Tilden by removing one coupling resistor
(i.e., infinite resistance) to show that the circuit
continued to operate, i.e. was robust. This circuit
behaviour is even easier to demonstrate with an opamp
as the control voltage
adjusted on one Nv,
its time constant can be made shorter but never longer
than the second Nv
time constant. In fact, if the second Nv
control is near Vcc
/2, then as you attempt to lengthen the first
time constant beyond 50%, it starts to shorten again! Can
you see why? This little side trip into slave
behaviour may be useful because otherwise experimenting
with this circuit
could lead to surprising, if not frustrating results.
Bruce said,
"Or create a chain of regular
neurons and connect each output to one of
these bicores,
using C3 and R6. As an impulse travels through the Nv
chain, each bicore
will be triggered in turn, causing some interesting
visual effects. Try it with a 3-neuron
chain, or a tricore, and hook each bicore
output to a 3-colour LED
to get interesting multi-colour visual patterns
(Jenny? Tom?)."
This can be done entirely with Opamp Nv's but a
etc. requires inverters
with hysteresis
triggers) as shown in the below Opamp microcore
The common control voltage
from the 10K pot adjusts the duration of all Nv
together each Nv
threshold input could be adjusted with a separate
And Bruce ended his wonderful OpNv introduction
"This is a nice little circuit
to play around with on the breadboard to see just what
you can do with it."
Also check out manufacturer's application notes for
opamps, comparators and other linear devices. In the
past, when there were fewer special purpose analog
devices let alone DSPs or microcontrollers, there were
thick books of application notes for opamps available for
free from National, Fairchild, Motorola and others. These
were linear "cookbooks", complete with lists of
ingredients and equations for copying or adapting the
application note circuits
into your own designs.
These elegant and always simple application circuits
also inspired generations of analog designers, who
adapted, crossfertilized and evolved those simple
ideas into many of today's specialized analog building
blocks. I have several 20 year old (but timeless) well
thumbed copies of these linear applications books on my
shelf. AFAIK many of these are still available on request
but now probably only on CD.